How to Solve FoxFlash Fail to Connect MED9.1 on Bench?


MED9.1 on bench will not connect. Bench box with stable PSU, and tried all pinouts but FoxFlash Tool will not read ECU.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 1 solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 2



Step 1.

Disconnect BDM Adapter!! put 12V in FoxFlash not bench box


After that, both MED9.1 still fail.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 3 solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 4


Step 2.

Use correct cable to connect, the white cable with red stripes is J1708 cable.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 5



My problem is fixed. The ECU connects.


Done! Hope this could help!


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