How to Solve FoxFlash Fail to Connect MED9.1 on Bench?

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 1


MED9.1 on bench will not connect. Bench box with stable PSU, and tried all pinouts but FoxFlash Tool will not read ECU.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 1 solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 2



Step 1.

Disconnect BDM Adapter!! put 12V in FoxFlash not bench box


After that, both MED9.1 still fail.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 3 solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 4


Step 2.

Use correct cable to connect, the white cable with red stripes is J1708 cable.

solved foxflash fail to connect med9.1 on bench 5



My problem is fixed. The ECU connects.


Done! Hope this could help!


Whatapp: +86 152 7181 3909

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